Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Cat and The Jewelry Box

Most of you who follow my blog know about my "almost human" cat Templeton. But not sure if you all know that Templeton has trouble deciding if he's human or a dog. He LOVES to chew on things. My hubby cannot read the daily newspaper without Templeton being right up front and in his face. And if he doesn't get the attention he desires, he grabs the newspaper and shakes it like a dog taking bite size pieces and tossing them.

A couple weeks ago, one of our daughters was visiting. She and I were visiting in the family room when I realized she'd left her "expensive" designer bag on the floor next to her feet. She didn't know about Templeton's chewing habit until she caught him gnawing away on the handle! Luckily, she rescued it in time. I wasn't so lucky when I first learned of his chewing tendency. I left a new bag on the sofa and when I picked it up to leave for work, the handle fell off!! He'd chewed completely through it. Mine wasn't an expensive one, thank goodness, so I replaced it. Now I know to keep all my purses hanging on a hook inside my closet.

So, now to the story of today's post. I have a velvet covered jewelry box on my dresser. I've had it for some time, but recently decided to put it on my dresser and fill it with small and "best" quality jewelry. When I went to open it this morning I noticed a hole had been gnawed through the velvet and "teeth" marks appeared all over the top!!

I kind of wish Templeton was a dog. Then he wouldn't be jumping to the top of things to get at items to chew on...well, unless he was a dog that thought he was a cat. But, that's another story.

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