Friday, August 11, 2006

An Enlightening Interview with TWRP

Are you interested in a small press romance publisher that actually cares about publishing a good story, regardless of what the "industry giants" may reject because it isn't the "hot-selling" topic of the month? How about a publisher that responds to every rejection with a personal letter and comments to help you? How about an editor who is as excited as you about publishing your manuscript? Are you a new writer caught in a "catch-22" because you haven't been published and don't have an agent? Well if so, then check out this interview Long Ridge Writers Group held with my publisher The Wild Rose Press.

Click HERE to read the interview in its entirety.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Carol Ann. Love your blog! I've been poking around. I'd be honored if you'd link to me and I will do the same with yours.


Carol Ann said...

Thanks, Kara. It's an honor to add your name to my list. I'm off to check out your latest release . . .

Anonymous said...

WRP really is a wonderful place. Rhonda did a great job with the interview.
