Saturday, January 06, 2007

Daily Lists, Goals, and Feeling Out of Control

So, I began to keep a daily list of things that I wanted to accomplish each day. Each is achievable. By looking at the list and checking things off, at the end of the day I felt great! Then everything fell apart. Friday my hubby went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a sinus infection and acute bronchitis. He was a breath away from pneumonia. And at that same time my grandson (5 months) was admitted to Children's Hospital with RSV. Guess what happened to my lists? Yeah, I'm not feeling very good about accomplishments right now...


Scarlett Sanderson said...

Carol ((Hugs)) I am so sorry to hear all the bad news you received on friday. *sending good thoughts and prayers your way*

I always have lists and goals, I work on them, then BOOM! something comes along and destroys them. I guess we have to learn not to be so hard on ourselves as people as well as writers.

Anonymous said...

Don't be hard on yourself, people are always more important than lists. Hope your hubby and grandson are doing better today!