Monday, August 30, 2010

It's Monday

It's Monday. Seems like yesterday was Friday. The weeks are flying by. Summer is drawing to an end and Autumn is playing peek-a-boo. I had envisioned myself sitting on my deck writing away beautiful summer days. But, in central Ohio, most days were too wickedly hot and humid to be outdoors for any length of time. I've mostly enjoyed the sunshine from my lower level office, gazing out the window at the beautiful yellow and black finches feeding on the cone flower seeds. Beautiful, graceful monarch butterflies landed softly on the flowers, and busied themselves in the butterfly bush. Occasionally, one of the feral cats passed by and peeked in to see what I was doing. I have enjoyed the summer, albeit not from my first place of choice.

It's Monday. I'm thinking about how quickly winter will be here. Last year, I spent so much time shoveling snow my muscles ached constantly. Not looking forward to that, but I'm anticipating the arrival of cold, winter days with a bit of nostalgia. There's just something about the very first snowfall that inspires and energizes me.

It's Monday. I'm wondering how my friends who head to Florida can possibly be happy when they don't experience the beauty of winter landscapes.

It's Monday. If you didn't guess, I'm using my blog time today to ease into a creative state of mind. I must find an occupation for my heroine. She stopped me dead in my tracks yesterday and in no uncertain words told me I'd gotten her all wrong.

It's Monday. Thanks for stopping by!

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