Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Recovery Day!!

If, you, like me, are recovering from a delicious Thanksgiving meal, I wish you a day of full recovery. Even though it was just hubby and me this year, I still fixed all the things I would for a huge family gathering...just in smaller quantities. I have leftover turkey for my well-loved cold sandwiches. Yummy!

Yesterday was also a day that filled my heart to overflowing. My grandson had called on Wednesday afternoon to let me know that he was coming home on Thanksgiving day! We'd been secretly planning his return from the service, but the actual date hadn't been clarified. We thought it would probably be today or Saturday. He worked hard with his commanding officers for an early release, and sure enough, they out-processed him and he was able to get a flight from California to arrive around 6:30pm. The idea was to surprise his mother. So, after eating, I hustled to the airport to await his arrival. When he walked through the gate, I was overjoyed!! What a wonderful end to a fantastic day!

I called my daughter and told her I had something special for the family and that hubby and I would be coming by to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving and bring the dessert. It was raining, non-stop raining, but she stepped outside to greet us. I asked her to get the dessert from the back seat. When she opened the door, my grandson popped up from where he'd been laying on the seat and said "Hi, Mom!" What a Hallmark moment!

I hope you had a wonderful day, too! And I wish you a peaceful, restful day of recovery.


Missy Tippens said...

What a wonderful story!! Made me cry just to hear about it. I bet your daughter was thrilled beyond measure. I'm so happy you had such a great Thanksgiving day!

Carol Ann said...

Hi Missy! I'm glad my story touched your heart. This will truly be a Thanksgiving our family will always remember.