Friday, August 17, 2007

The Joy of Editing

Non writers just don't get it. They believe that a book is written and instantly should be available for purchase. No one understands all the long hours spent AFTER the book is written.

I was fortunate enough to receive some great advice from advance readers for JOSHUA'S HOPE. Now I've been immersed in taking that advice and making my story stronger. That required a complete read through and a jotting of notes in the margins with ideas for rewriting passages, and in some cases entire chapters.

I'm nearing the end and it is all going to be fresh new writing to incorporate all the changes I've made in the first three quarters of the book. For me that is exciting. Why?

I have a much deeper knowledge of my characters and their motivations. I'm psyched up to carry them through the brightest hour, the darkest moment, and the uplifting ending. Writing endings is my favorite part of being an author.

I would encourage everyone who is beginning their writing journey to consider finding readers to help them with strengthening their stories. What we as an author feel is a perfect manuscript may fall short in a reader's eyes. Don't rely on your friends or your family to give you constructive criticism. Most of them won't want to hurt your feelings. And if you are the type whose feelings are easily hurt, then don't consider being a writer. In order to succeed, you do have to grow a thick alligator skin and also be able to know what to keep and what to throw away when it comes to advice.

Then you, too, will find the joy in editing.

Have a great day and thanks for reading.


Gina said...

What an incredible process, thank you for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

That's a great way to submit your strongest work. It should cut down on the work you do with your editor. Thanks for sharing.