Monday, October 11, 2010

Appreciate Your Cover Artist

If you haven't thought about all the time and effort that goes into creating your book cover, then you're among the majority of writers. Sometimes I've loved my book covers and sometimes I've been a wee bit disappointed, but still thought they were good.

I've been busy putting my returned rights books back into publication via e-book. Getting the text in appropriate format is not difficult at all, nor is uploading the information to the digital platform.

However, searching for photos to make my own covers has been very time intensive! Hours and hours of looking through photos trying to the perfect images is not fun. And, then I had to put on my graphics hat and try to remember everything I'd learned about using my program to its fullest. I do not have photoshop, nor do I want to spend funds to purchase any programs. I have PaintShop Pro v.6...and older program.

Finally, I completed my second book cover.

Hit and Run is now available for purchase in the Kindle Store at Amazon and Foxfire should be available for purchase on Tuesday.

I'm excited to have these books available for purchase again and I hope you like the bookcovers!

Have you ever designed a book cover or have you thought about how much time and effort goes into creating one? Have you ever been disappointed with a book cover?


Debbie Clark said...

I love your Foxfire book cover. Can't wait to read the book.

Debbie Clark

Carol Ann said...

Thanks, Debbie! I liked how it turned out, but I wasn't sure how others might react.
Good luck in the drawing!