Saturday, May 12, 2007


Last year I accomplished all my writing goals and it felt so great! This year I set my goals as:

Write two full length manuscripts, write four short stories. Read entire Bible. Exercise and get healthy.

Mid-year checkup:

Finished two short stories. One is published, the second has been requested by editor. (on track)
1/3 way through first full-length. (Need to step up work on this)
On track with Bible reading.
Exercise - no good. Every time I try to start a regime, I have a major health setback. Looks like this is the one goal that may not pan out this year.

So, do any of you set goals? Have you stopped to do a check-up?


Unknown said...

Through some research I've done, I have found that goals work in different ways for different people. It's quite interesting.

I think it's wonderful that you've been able to set goals and stick to them! I gladly give you a ^5!

For me, my goals evolve. I set them, but they always seem to change as new opportunities arrive, and I grow and learn as the circumstances allow.

My goal list from the beginning of the year looks nothing like it is currently. That's okay though, because it works for me.

I think the key is to keep moving forward, in whatever way works best.

Good job Carol Ann!


Carol Ann said...

Thanks, Lee, and good luck on your goals! I can understand how goals change and evolve. My problem is if I don't stick to my set goals, I never seem to feel I've accomplished what I wanted.