Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Oh No! Not Goodbye!!!

Have you ever received a catalog from a company you have never purchased a single item from that had splashed across the front cover: "Is This Really Goodybe?"

Over the years I've received so many. Some say: "This may be your last catalog!"

I wish!! Oh, don't get me wrong. I enjoy looking through the catalogs. Sometimes I even dog-ear a page or two, but rarely do I order. Do they really think that "threat" is going to cause me to pick up the telephone and quickly place my order to prevent me from **gasp** falling off their mailing list?

The catalog I received today was from Chadwick's. I believe I ordered from them about twenty years ago when I was skinny and firm. But today's catalog says: "I know you like new styles, leading fashion trends, quality fabrics, and a good deal when you see one. Our records tell us fact, you were once ranked among our best customers but, unfortunately, we'll have to say goodbye if you don't order from us soon." Funny, I thought I said goodbye years ago when I quit ordering.

Now further down, the words go like this: "Let's start over! To encourage you to give us another try, we've made an exclusive final offer just for you...I would love to welcome you back!"

Okay, if we've never said goodbye, how can you welcome me back?

Bet I get another three or four catalogs from Chadwick's before the year ends. Some people just don't like saying goodbye.

Speaking of which, did I tell you the title of my newest manuscript is "Saying Goodbye"?

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!


Cole Reising said...

LOL - love the title! :-)


Carol Ann said...

Thanks, Cole. One never knows where a title might be found.